We see how we got tonight’s Cruiserweight Title Match between Cedric Alexander and Hideo Itami.
We are in Manchester, New Hampshire and your announcers are Vic Joseph, Nigel McGuinness, and Percy Watson.
Vic asks who they think will win. Nigel thinks we may see a new champion. Percy says he thinks Cedric retains.
Kalisto (with Lince Dorado and Gran Metalik) vs. Tony Nese (with Buddy Murphy)
Kalisto avoids Nese when Tony wants to lock up. Nese backs Kalisto into the corner and he breaks. Kalisto with a cartwheel when Nese tries to send him out of the corner. Kalisto flips out of the corner and then Nese does the same. Nese takes time to pose for Kalisto. Nese and Kalisto avoid each other on kicks and Kalisto poses. Kalisto walks on his hands and then he hits a head scissors followed by a drop kick for a near fall. Kalisto goes to the apron and then he goes for a slingshot move but Nese puts Kalisto on the turnbuckles and he kicks Kalisto and then hits a back drop for a near fall.
Nese with a rear chin lock and he adds crossfaces. Nese poses and then he applies a body scissors. Kalisto leans back and gets a near fall. Nese with a leg drop but Kalisto with kicks to Nese. Kalisto with a head scissors take down. Kalisto with an enzuigiri followed by a seated splash and corkscrew elbow. Kalisto with kicks to Nese and a head scissors take down. Kalisto is sent to the apron and Kalisto with a springboard cross body for a near fall.
Kalisto with a rollup into a Listo Kick and then he goes for the spike rana but Nese moves. Nese with a forearm to Kalisto. Kalisto with a spinning heel kick and he goes for Salida Del Sol but Nese with a rollup into a one arm buckle bomb. Murphy has had enough of the noise being made by Gran Metalik and Lince Dorado. Nese tries to calm Murphy down. Kalisto with a hesitation plancha onto Nese.
The referee tells Buddy to back up. Kalisto sends Nese into the ring and Murphy attacks Kalisto and the referee calls for the bell.
Winner: Kalisto (by disqualification)
After the match, Nese and Murphy go after Metalik, Dorado, and Kalisto. Dorado with a suicide dive onto Nese and Murphy.
Murphy has to be held back by Nese.
Drake Maverick welcomes Noam Dar back and congratulates him on his victory. Drake mentions the previous distractions Dar had to deal with but that will not happen. Dar says he is looking forward . . .
TJP shows up and he says things have gotten much worse. He thought this was about competition. Perkins says if he had time, he would have beaten Dar.
Drake says if TJP wants a rematch, he can have it next week.
We have a video feature for Hideo Itami. He says Cedric Alexander made a mistake. He is arrogant and did not show him the respect that he deserves. He says he will become Cruiserweight Champion.
We see Lio Rush walking in the back.
Lio Rush vs. Colin Delaney
Before the match starts, Akira Tozawa makes his way to ringside.
Rush tells Colin to wait a second and he grabs a chair and gives it to Tozawa to sit in. Tozawa kicks the chair away and Delaney with a rollup for a near fall. Rush with a series of kicks. Rush with a forearm and then he avoids Delaney and hits a handspring move that knocks Delaney off the apron and to the floor. Rush sends Delaney back into the ring and Rush has something to say to Tozawa. Rush goes up top for a frog splash and hits it for the three count.
Winner: Lio Rush
After the match, Akira Tozawa tells Lio that he is good, but what have you done here? You’ve done NOTHING. Tozawa says you call your own shot but he asks Lio if he really wants to fight him.
Lio says any time, any place. Lio wants the mic.
Tozawa does not give Rush the mic and he says he is kidding. Tozawa drops the mic at Lio’s feet and then he squares up.
Drake Maverick’s music plays and he comes out. He says he doesn’t know what has gotten into everyone tonight. There is one person who makes the matches and it is him. If you want to go at it, you can do it next week.
We have a video package about last week’s match between Buddy Murphy and Mustafa Ali.
Mustafa Ali is in Cedric Alexander’s locker room as Cedric prepares for his match against Hideo Itami.
We go to commercial.
We are back and Drew Gulak says he is not a fan of selfies, but this is the way to talk to the youth. They have gotten past the Lucha scourge and they are moving on to bigger and better things. Drew says they will be looking closely at the title match.
Hideo Itami vs. Cedric Alexander for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship
They lock up and they go around the ring until Alexander gives a clean break but Itami pie faces Alexander. Alexander has some words for Itami and they lock up again. Itami misses a round kick after a break. Itami with a single leg into a waist lock take down. Alexander escapes and Itami with a front face lock. Alexander backs Itami into the ropes and Cedric with a break but Itami with a forearm to the head. The referee stops Alexander from punching Itami on a break.
They lock up again and Itami with a waist lock. Itami with a rollup for a near fall and he misses a round kick. Alexander with a side head lock. Alexander with a handstand head scissors followed by a drop kick. Itami backs into the corner and the referee stops Alexander. Alexander tells Itami to show him something. Alexander with chops. Itami sends Alexander to the apron and Alexander with a forearm. Itami stops a slingshot move with a kick to the chest. Itami with kicks to Alexander.
Itami kicks Cedric and Itami taunts Alexander. Itami chokes Alexander in the corner. Itami with a knee to the midsection and he gets a near fall. Alexander with forearms but Itami with a round kick and Alexander is down. Itami tells Alexander to respect him as he continues to kick Alexander. Alexander with chops. Itami with a knee to the midsection and Alexander is down again. Itami with a body scissors. Alexander with elbows to escape the hold. Itami with a forearm and he goes for a belly-to-back suplex but Alexander lands on his feet. Itami with a knee to the midsection followed by a kick for a near fall.
Itami with a reverse chin lock. Itami kicks Alexander in the chest and in the back of the neck. Itami with a swinging neck breaker and he gets a near fall on Alexander. Itami with a reverse chin lock. Alexander gets to his feet and Alexander with punches. Alexander with a rollup for a near fall and he follows with a running uppercut. Alexander with a shoulder into the corner followed by a kick and slingshot flatliner for a near fall.
Itami pulls Alexander down but Alexander kicks Itami away and stays in the ring. Alexander with a running forearm that knocks Itami to the floor. Alexander with a plancha onto Itami. Alexander sends Itami back into the ring and Cedric goes for a springboard move but Itami moves. Alexander with the Neuralizer after escaping from Itami’s shoulders. Alexander gets a near fall. Itami with elbows to avoid the Lumbar Check. Itami gets his feet up when Alexander charges into the corner. Itami goes to the turnbuckles and he hits the tornado hot shot. Itami with a clothesline off the turnbuckles. Itami gets a near fall.
Alexander blocks a fisherman’s suplex. Itami with a knee but Alexander with a forearm. They go back and forth. Itami with kicks. Alexander blocks a kick but he misses the spinning back fist. Itami with a spinning back hand and a Yakuza Kick followed by a fisherman suplex for a near fall. Itami removes the turnbuckle sleeve from the bottom turnbuckle. Alexander with a rollup for a near fall. Itami hits Alexander when he goes for a springboard move and Alexander is down on the floor.
Itami looks around and he sets for a hesitation drop kick against the steps and he connects. Itami tries to pick Alexander up and get him into the ring while the referee makes his count. Itami rolls him back in and Itami gets a near fall. Itami gets another near fall. Itami picks Alexander up but Alexander with a snap mare. Itami with a spinning back fist and he hits a second one. Itami with a running knee to the back and then Alexander with Lumbar Check for the three count.
Winner: Cedric Alexander (retains title)
We go to credits.
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