Seth Rollins was a guest on the most recent edition of Lilian Garcia’s Chasing Glory podcast. Rollins talked about Hulk Hogan’s influence in his love affair with professional wrestling:
“For me I was captivated by Hulk Hogan right away. He was obviously the guy at that period of time and he just sucked me in man. I just thought he was legit like a super hero as if he was Tony Stark, ya know, in the flesh. It doesn’t get any better than that. Here’s this six foot six giant with blonde hair, Venice Beach, California, 303 pounds, you know, beating up all the bad guys. It was awesome, so I was hooked before I can even remember an age.”
Rollins continued,
“The reason I wanted to do it [wrestling] was to make people feel the way I felt when I watched Hulk Hogan when I was 4 years old.”
Later in the show, Garcia recounts an incident she personally witnessed where Rollins was pressured to drink at a bar with fellow WWE Superstars; but, due to his then straight edge beliefs, held his ground and refused to get drunk.
Rollins addressed the incident,
“I was 25-26 and it was my first international tour with the company. I was still in NXT. We were in Egypt. I went to bed and got called to come downstairs and hang out. I’m like, “Ok, cool.” It was guys that I respected as far as my colleagues were concerned. I was literally asleep at 1 in the morning when the phone rang.”
Rollins then decided to join the party with the intention of staying sober,
“I kinda knew what I was getting myself into in that they were gonna get me to try to drink. Fun fact: I’ve never been drunk….I did have a drink that night. I had a beer. I sipped on it. I’ll stay up as late as you guys. We’ll all hang out; but, I’m not gonna take shots. I’m not getting drunk. I’m not gonna act a fool…that’s not in my character; but, you can’t pressure me to drink. Then it turned into a, ‘You think you’re better than us,’ type thing.”
Rollins was steadfast and continued to refuse despite peer pressure to do otherwise,
“At the end of the day aside from one – and again, we won’t mention names here – every single person in that room that tried to pressure me into doing something I wanted to do….apologized to me for it. People sober up….I’m cool with hanging out, with being a part of the team; but, that’s not the way I roll.”
Rollins contends he has still never been intoxicated.
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