Mark Henry addressed the brawl between Bobby Lashley and Roman Reings this past monday in Boston on the Busted Open Radio podcast. The discussion was about feeling that the brawl actually helped both competitors, and even to the point that a normally-antagonizing Boston crowd actually cheered Reigns more than expected. Henry explained how this brawl helped both Reigns and Lashley.
For Lashley, the discussion was how making him a tough, aggressive character will merit the fans’ support over his smiley character he had during his feud with Sami Zayn, which also included a sit-down interview about his father and sisters and turned into a parody segment.
“The fans are getting a chance to see two big physically impressive tough guys go at it,” said Henry. “That’s how I feel about Bobby Lashley and Roman Reigns. I feel like, ‘oh sh*t, let’s go! Put ’em in there, let ’em go!’ Like they are ready to do something that hasn’t been done in a long while. And that thing is to take over the show without bells and whistles.
Henry likened the brawl to a schoolyard fight, where people stopped what they were doing to run to the fight to further incite it. He also felt that not having a gimmick match for their feud is a good call.
“A lot of times you’re like, oh, it’s a cage match, it’s a falls count anywhere. It’s pot pans and chairs and ladders. It’s nothing [in this feud],” said Henry. “They don’t need anything. It’s two big strong physically impressive guys that need to get in there and punch each other in the face. Everybody is ready to see it.”
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