Impact Wrestling star Brian Cage was recently interviewed by the The Roman Show to promote his upcoming match for the X Division championship against Matt Sydal at Slammiversary. In 2008, Cage made his debut in FCW. After seeing his look and athleticism, Dusty Rhodes pulled him aside and told him that he needs a character change.
“I am out there having awesome matches with Justin Gabriel, Tyson Kidd, Trent Barreta, and Dusty Rhodes pulls me to the office and goes, ‘Let me tell you something baby. You are a phenomenal worker. You got to have something else. You can’t be that. Hey Matt, what’s that guy called the Honey Badger The Wolverine yeah. But you can’t be the Wolverine because that’s a trademark, so give me something else.'”
Cage became Kris Logan, and gained a short run with Justin Angel (Gabriel) as the FCW Tag Team Champions. Being impressive to the FCW staff, Cage was being groomed to move up to the main roster. Cage explained what WWE had planned for him before being released from the company.
“I went back, and I was looking through my trading cards and comics, and I said, ‘I’ll be like the Dark Claw which is Batman and Wolverine,'” Cage explained. “I made my attire off that, and they were going to bring me up, and then Hurricane came up and Dusty said, ‘OK, we are thinking of feuding or teaming you with Hurricane.’ So I started doing a bunch of heel promos but I got released.”
Regarding his upcoming match at Slammiversary, Cage explained that he plans on calling it a different name when he wins it.
“He will lose the title, and I’ll change it to the Weapon X Division title,” said Cage. “It’s a play on Wolverine, and I’ll remain supreme, until I move over to another title.”
Slammiversary will be held at the Rebel Entertainment Complex in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. We will have live coverage of the show this Sunday.
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