Vader’s son Jesse White recently spoke to TMZ where he mentioned DDP, Steve Austin, and Mick Foley as some of the people who have reached out to the White family during this tragic time, but he sent a special thank you to Sting.
White said Sting became a constant source of support during the last year of Vader’s life as The Stinger developed a close relationship with both Vader and himself. “One person I have to send a big thank you out to Sting, Steve Borden he lives in the Dallas suburbs,” Jesse said.
“Sting has been a huge blessing not only as of recent but probably I wanna say for the last ten months to a year in my father’s life as well as mine. I’ve been blessed and fortunate enough to witness that between the two of them as well as develop my relationship with Sting. You know my father was a God-fearing man and so is Sting so they would sit down and read The Bible together and go over The Bible, just talk about good time stories. So yeah, Sting’s been a huge blessing throughout this process.”
Jesse White continued discussing the outpouring of support they’ve received from everyone as well as a special project they’re doing to make sure Vader’s memory lives on forever.
“It’s been overwhelming with how much love and support stories and cool pictures I’ve encountered and I came to the realization that I need to figure out a way to capture these and they’re coming from anywhere and everywhere. I put together an email specifically it’s vader.leonwhite@gmail. I want any and all fans who have any unique photos, rare photos, stories they wanna type up anything they want to add please email there. Me and my family, we’re going to be going through them dissecting them.”
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