GFW continued their six day stretch of Impact Wrestling television tapings this Saturday with night three at the Impact Zone in Orlando, Florida.
The following are results for GFW Impact Wrestling airing on September 14th and September 21st. Results may be slightly out of order, and of course with 12 weeks of shows being taped in just six days, matches and segments could easily be moved around. The show featured a number of talents from GFW partner promotion AAA which will be running its 25th annual Triplemania event on August 26th. Johnny Mundo, Rosemary, Jeff Jarrett, Moose and Bobby Lashley have all been confirmed to appear.
GFW Xplosion
– Pagano def. Cody Martin
GFW Impact Wrestling
– Grado won a match against an unknown local star. They’ve been building to his departure as his visa expired in story, but Joseph Park came out and announced that he was sponsoring Grado’s visa so that he could remain in the United States.
– Falls Count Anywhere Match: Trevor Lee def. Sonjay Dutt (c) to become the new X-Division Champion!
– Johnny Impact (Mundo/Morrison/Hennigan) came out to challenge new GFW World Heavyweight Champion Eli Drake, but instead got Kevin Matthews. KM claimed that Drake was in Mexico, which may actually line up with the AAA timeline although he hasn’t been announced for that show. He dares Johnny to put his #1 contender’s spot on the line which leads to a singles match.
– #1 Contender’s Match: Johnny Impact def. KM
– Taya Valkyrie def. Ava Storie
– Taya Valkyrie cut a promo demanding a shot at the GFW Women’s Championship. She was cut off by Rosemary who also thinks she deserves a shot. Sienna came out with her title and joined Taya in beating down Rosemary, until Allie came out to make the save. The newly returned Taryn Terrell came out to join the heels, but Gail Kim evened the odds at three a piece. The babyfaces fought off the heels who fled to the back.
– Kongo Kong def. Mahabali Shera
– El Hijo de Fantasma & Texano def. Ethan Carter III & James Storm
– Trevor Lee (c) def. Petey Williams to retain the X-Division Championship
– Taya Valkyrie def. Amber Nova
– #1 Contender’s Match: Johnny Impact def. Low-Ki
– Eli Drake came out after the main event, apparently back from the trip to Mexico he hasn’t taken yet. He had a staredown with Johnny Impact before Chris Adonis came out of nowhere and attacked Impact from behind. The show went off the air with Drake holding up his GFW World Heavyweight Championship after a two-on-one mugging.
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