NXT Results – May 10, 2017

The announce team welcomes us to the show and we go straight to the ring for our first match.

Aleister Black vs. Cezar Bononi

Black faces what appears to be his toughest physical test to date as Bononi goes a solid 6′ 6″. Black ducks an attack and delivers a kick that sends the big man reeling. Black leaps off the second rope and into Indian Style position to continue his focus. The sizable Bononi is able to mount a bit of offense before Black lets loose a barrage of strikes before hitting Black Mass for the win.

Winner via Pinfall: Aleister Black

– A look back at the women’s battle royal from last week, which ended with Asuka taking out Riot, Cross, and Moon. We’re shown Mr. Regal confronting Asuka after the incident saying she will face all three at TakeOver. It’s revealed that Ember Moon has a grade one shoulder sprain and will be out of the match at TakeOver. She says when she gets back, she’ll be better than ever.

– They show that Pete Dunne recently won a shot at the WWE UK Title at the recent tapings. He’ll face WWE UK Champion Tyler Bate at NXT TakeOver: Chicago.

– Video package for Ruby Riot, which highlights her extravagant tattoos and her early career and family life.

– “Backstage interview” with Nikki Cross, who is quite the menace during the interview, who messes with the sound guy, microphones, and asks for her fellow competitors and championship.

– Kayla Braxton, in desperate need of a step ladder, interviews Drew McIntyre. As he begins to talk about the upcoming #1 Contendership match between Strong and Itami, he’s interrupted by Wesley Blake. Blake says he deserves a shot and McIntyre should leave before his second WWE run fails like the first one.

– DIY in the ring. They say AOP is the biggest and baddest, but they have what they want. They point out that they never got their 1-on-1 rematch. They’re interrupted by Tino Sabbatelli and Riddick Moss. They say now that they’re here, the line starts behind them. Ciampa said if there was a line, they just crossed it, and jump the upstarts. Looks like we have an impromptu match.

DIY vs. Moss & Sabbatelli

Moss and Ciampa start us off. The athletic “rookies” get the upper hand early with some nice tag work and quick tags. They work over Ciampa to a couple early near falls. Sabbatelli lifts Ciampa up for a suplex, but Ciampa hits a knee to slip out. Tags made by both teams and Gargano cleans house. Gargano takes out Moss, but the distraction allows Sabbatelli to regain momentum. Moss back in but gets met with s Gargano Spear through the ropes. Sabbatelli sent flying, tag made to Ciampa. DIY hits their finish for the win. Nice reintroduction to TV for Moss and Sabbatelli.

Winners via Pinfall: DIY

– Mr. Regal comes out and announces that DIY will face AOP at WWE TakeOver: Chicago. Ellering says they’ll end DIY’s careers, but Mr. Regal says that’s a chance he’s willing to take. Regal then says the match will be a ladder match.

– Backstage interview with Kassius Ohno. He says he came back for the championship, but has fallen short. He names off some of the best talent, but Andrade “Cien” Almas comes in. He trashes Ohno, but Ohno has an opportunity for him. Looks like they’ll face each other next week.

– Video package for Tyler Bate, who will defend his WWE UK Championship against Pete Dunne at WWE TakeOver: Chicago.

– New interviewer catches up with Roderick Strong before he hits the curtain. He says this is why he’s here and what he’s worked for, so now it’s time. Itami says he respects Strong, but he’s going to TakeOver, and Strong will go to sleep.

Roderick Strong vs. Hideo Itami (#1 Contendership Match)

Crowd split 50/50 as the bell rings. A bit of a stalemate as they feel each other out. Roddy goes for a test of strength which Itami chain wrestles out of to another clean break. Strong goes for a whip, but Itami holds on with the headlock. Nice exchange of avoided strikes by both men. Strong rolls out to regroup as we go to break.

We’re back and still in back-and-forth mode. Itami breaks out some of his signature strikes. Back elbow from Itami, but Strong out at one. Rear chin lock from Itami, crowd urges Strong out, but gets sent back down. Itami follows with knees. Strong reverses a suplex to one of his own and drapes Itami over the ropes. Thunderous chops from Strong and hits an introductory version of his specialty, the back breaker. Shoulder and abdominal stretch from Strong but Itami refuses to tap. Pump handle back breaker from Strong gets a two count. Beautiful drop kick from Strong gets another near fall. He locks Itami up in the body scissors with extra force on Itami’s surgically repaired shoulder. Itami rolls him over forcing a count and break of the hold. Strikes from the Japanese star sends Strong outside. Itami goes for an attack outside the ring, but Strong catches him and throws him into the ring apron as we head to break.

We’re back and great minds think alike as they hit the same move and take each other down. Both men back up well before the ten count and Itami takes the edge with a bevy of strikes and suplex. Roddy goes for a corner attack, but Itami gets the boot up. Flying clothesline from Itami for a two. Strong able to regain advantage and hits an Angle Slam for a near fall. Strong with another back breaker, but once again a two count. Crowd is heating up for this one and are in support of both men. Strong takes Itami up top, but Itami fights out. They trade shots near the top rope. Itami able to hit a Falcon Arrow from the top but Strong kicks out. Going to a battle of wills as they trade shots in the middle of the ring. Leaping knee strike from Strong and Itami kicks out. Itami looks to be dazed, but able to bounce off the ropes for a jumping knee strike of his own. Both men up near simultaneously. Itami goes for the GTS, but Strong able to stave off the maneuver. Another running drop kick from Itami in the corner sets up the finisher once again, but Strong blocks. Strong goes for a forearm shot, but gets caught and Itami gives Strong a sleeping pill. GTS for the victory.

Winner & NEW #1 Contender: Hideo Itami

– Strong and Itami show some mutual respect after the match as we head off the air.


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