The State of the WWE Universe Address opens up on the WWE Network after RAW with Renee Young talking to Paul Heyman about what happened with Bill Goldberg and Brock Lesnar while the SmackDown and RAW bosses recover from the end of tonight’s show. We see video of Shane McMahon and Daniel Bryan walking backstage.
We also see video of Stephanie McMahon and Mick Foley walking backstage and they look happy about how RAW ended. Heyman leaves and Renee shows us a replay of the RAW ending. Stephanie and Foley join Renee now. Stephanie says they’re ecstatic about what happened. Stephanie says she didn’t know Team SmackDown was here but it doesn’t matter because Team RAW dominated like they will at Survivor Series on Sunday. Shane and Bryan take their seats next. Foley didn’t know Stephanie was going to leave Shane and Bryan out there with Team RAW but he’s glad she did because it led to some great action. Foley likes both Stephanie and Shane. Foley acknowledges he and Stephanie aren’t always on the same page. Stephanie says that’s one of the reasons she hired him. She talks about disagreeing on things, like putting the entire cruiserweight division on the line this Sunday. Shane’s pumped up. He swears to God they will go down on Sunday. he’s bringing everything in his body to make sure it happens. Stephanie says Shane has more guts than brains sometimes and we’ll see how it goes. Foley gives them props for having James Ellsworth. He also comments on Chris Jericho going to The List three times, calling it historic.
Foley gets serious when Renee asks if he’d like to work with Daniel Bryn in the future. Foley says he asked Stephanie’s permission to mention something in a memoir he’s writing. He sent it to her because he didn’t want to read it to her. He says it’s a word they use a lot. When he says Stephanie is great, he doesn’t mean she’s great or just cool, he means she’s a great person who can do great things for the rest of her life. Foley says being around Stephanie makes him a better person. Shane laughs and Foley says he’s not joking. They get back to talking about Survivor Series-related topics. Bryan plugs SmackDown 900 and The Miz’s title shot against WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler. Bryan says when you look at their roster and how their careers have progressed since the WWE Draft, more SmackDown Superstars are better off than RAW Superstars. Stephanie says they have a B leader and are still the B show, which is why RAW dominated tonight. More arguing between the two. Bryan knocks Kevin Owens and the Universal Title. Bryan says Team SmackDown came to RAW because they believe in Shane as a leader. Stephanie asks what happens if it comes down to the 5 Team RAW Superstars and Shane. Bryan asks what happens if it comes down to Team SmackDown and Owens, who isn’t a real champion he says.
Shane says the adrenaline is leaving him and he’s starting to feel the pain from the end of RAW. Shane says his team wants this win and he can see it in their eyes, despite what happened. Shane says they have a lot to prove, a chip on their shoulders and will win. Renee asks about Shane’s role in the match and Shane says he wants to do the best he possibly can and keep everyone focused on winning. Foley says he would be upset if he was a SmackDown Superstar and saw the boss get the nod.
The Network goes out but comes back to Renee asking Stephanie what Team SmackDown is lacking. She says the skills to get the job done. She doesn’t think they’re as high caliber as Team RAW. Bryan says Team RAW is overrated and over-confident. Foley says the Team RAW women are on a league of their own. Bryan disagrees. Foley asks why Bryan hasn’t put women in the main event. More arguing about the divisions. Stephanie says this is bigger than that, it’s ultimately about who is the best brand and they’re going to see who the most dominant brand is. Stephanie predicts victories for Team RAW. Foley says they can all agree that something special is in the air for Survivor Series this year. Foley says he hopes they bring their A-game. Shane looks forward to sitting across from Stephanie at Thanksgiving and knowing SmackDown is the most dominant brand. Stephanie jokes that Linda McMahon may be more proud of Shane but Vince McMahon is more proud of her. We get a few more comments between the two sides before Renee signs off.