Today is a big day for WWE SmackDown Tag Team Champion Rhyno as he runs as a Republican for State Representative in the 15th District of Michigan. Here is a new campaign ad featuring Tommy Dreamer and below is a Facebook endorsement from The Innovator of Violence:
As most people know I hate politics. Hell I formed my own wrestling company because of them.
This will probably be my only post ever about Politics or an election, but I feel its important for people to understand something. I travel a lot out of the country. its embarrassing when people from other countries ask if all the stuff going on with the Presidential election in my country is real. They think it is a joke, sadly it isn’t. Im not going to talk about that because i feel its ALL BS. I am going to talk about 1 person Terrance Guido Gerin You all know him as WWE SmackDown tag team Champion Rhyno.
I have known him since we first met in ECW. We have been friends ever since. I have never called him Terrance in my life because he looks more rhinoceros than Terrance.
I need people to understand that he cares about politics. He feels he can make a difference and wants to help the people in his town/ state. Word must go out to the people in the 15th District Dearborn Michigan That he is the best man for State Representative.
He does know I’m writing this, nor do I ask for his approval. I will still whip his giant man beast butt.
I have traveled w/him for years(most of the time I was trying to escape the car) he would say look at the conditions of these roads, where is the tax payers money going.
When it was snowing he would say why haven’t they plowed the streets yet?
My answer would always be. Please shut up Rhino. I don’t care Rhino, but he does.
He isn’t a career politician, he isn’t doing this for the money. He is doing this because he CARES.
We recently got into a heated discussion about the fact when I told him I wasn’t voting this year. He said why? I said I don’t think either candidate is good for the job as well as I feel my vote does not matter & its all predetermined just like wrestling.
His response men and women die while fighting for that right
to vote. He is right. I can go on and on about stories of him, none bad.
Rhino is the nicest wrestler/friend I have in wrestling. I give him hell because we are so different in every way , but in reality I have respect for what he is doing. Admire his passion about something i hate.
My biggest endorsement for him already happened a while back I had to wrestle and I asked him to watch my twin daughters as I was wrestling.
I trusted him with my greatest loves of my life. I knew they would be safe, unharmed and in great hands.
Please spread the word about a great man, who is trying to make a difference and vote for Terrance Guido Gerin for State Representative in the 15th District, Dearborn, Michigan
Thanks and enjoy this video. hopefully it makes you laugh