WWE SummerSlam Kickoff Pre-Show Recap

– The 2016 WWE SummerSlam Kickoff pre-show opens with Renee Young welcoming us to the Barclays Center in Brooklyn. We see fans making their way into the arena. Renee is joined by WWE Hall of Famers Booker T, Jerry Lawler and Lita.

– The panel hypes tonight’s show and we go backstage to Tom Phillips in the Social Media Lounge. He will be joined by WWE Women’s Champion Sasha Banks later. Fans can submit questions with “#TheBoss” on social media. Phillips plugs the SummerSlam hashtag and the WWE Network. We go back to the panel and Lita talks about wanting to see tonight’s WWE Title match. Lawler knocks Finn Balor but says he’s looking forward to the match against Seth Rollins. Booker previews Brock Lesnar vs. Randy Orton and says he can’t wait for the match as it’s going to be awesome. They plug tonight’s pre-show matches next. We get a video and discussion on John Cena vs. AJ Styles before going to a break.

– Back from the break and they discuss tonight’s WWE Intercontinental Title match. After a backstage segment with Phillips, Kevin Owens and Chris Jericho, we go to JBL, Mauro Ranallo and David Otunga at ringside.

The Vaudevillains, The Ascension and Breezango vs. The Hype Bros., The Usos and American Alpha

Simon Gotch and Aiden English are out first, followed by Konnor and Viktor. Tyler Breeze and Fandango are out last for their team. Zack Ryder and Mojo Rawley are out first for their team. Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso are out next, followed by Chad Gable and Jason Jordan to a pop.

Gable starts off with Breeze. Back and forth until English and Jey come in. English works him over until Uso nails a big uppercut, then a slam. Mojo comes in and takes over with English. Mojo with shoulder blocks. Ryder comes in for a quick double team and a 2 count on English. This leads to all twelve men brawling in the ring. The Ascension toss The Usos and stand tall until American Alpha both jump off the top rope and take them out. Breezango pulls them to the floor but Ryder dropkicks them both. English sends Ryder into the ring post. We go to commercial.

We come back to Gotch going for a pin attempt on Ryder. Viktor comes in and works Ryder over in the corner, then keeps him grounded. Ryder looks to make a comeback for a tag but Viktor takes him back to the corner. Konnor tags in for some double teaming and a 2 count. Konnor stomps on Ryder now. Breeze tags in and keeps Ryder down in their corner. Fandango and Viktor also get tags to keep Ryder down. Ryder finally fights some of the heels off and reaches for a tag to Jimmy. Konnor stops it but Ryder drops him with a neckbreaker. Jimmy and Breeze go at it. Uso with a Samoan Drop.

Uso blocks Konnor and keeps at it with Breeze. Gable comes in and tosses Fandango and Breeze on their head. Jordan with an exploder on Gotch for a 2 count as English breaks the pin. English with a spinning sitdown powerbomb on Gable. Mojo decks English. Breeze nails Mojo. Viktor takes out Ryder. Breeze and Viktor double team Ryder now. Mojo comes over and powerbombs them both from the corner. Ryder nails the El-Bro drop. More chaos as Uso and The Ascension get involved. Gable dumps some heels to the floor. The Ascension grabs Gable and try to double suplex him to the floor but The Usos stop them with superkicks. The Usos run the ropes and nail a big dive onto their opponents on the floor. Gotch sends Gable to the apron. Jordan spears Gotch in the corner. Jordan and Gable hit their finisher on Gotch but didn’t see Uso tag himself in. Uso goes up top and steals the pin after a big splash.

Winners: The Usos, American Alpha and The Hype Bros.

– After the match, there’s some tension between the winners as Jey looks upset about something. We get replays and go back to the panel.

– We get a video package for tonight’s WWE Title match. Everyone picks Ambrose to retain. We get more hype until Baron Corbin interrupts the panel. He says he was supposed to face Kalisto tonight but the little coward begged every doctor to allow him to stay home. Corbin says Kalisto is not cleared to compete. Corbin says he’s about making money and Kalisto cost him money tonight. Corbin warns Kalisto that he’s going to put him on the couch for good. Renee tries to ask Corbin something but he shuts her down and walks off.

– The panel discusses tonight’s WWE United States Title match and the Women’s Title match. Sasha is backstage in the Social Media Lounge with Phillips and she’s confident about tonight’s defense. Renee sends us to Cesaro in the back with Andrea D’Marco. He’s ready for the Best of 7 Series and realizes how important it is to win the first match tonight. He says less talk, more wrestling is the perfect way to settle this. We go to another break.

The Dudley Boyz vs. Sami Zayn and Neville

We come back to Corey Graves, Byron Saxton and Michael Cole on commentary. Out first comes Bubba Ray Dudley and D-Von Dudley. Neville is out first for his team, followed by Sami Zayn.

Sami and D-Von start things off going back and forth. Sami gets the upperhand and tags in Neville. Sami and Neville with quick tags to keep control of D-Von now. Bubba comes in frustrated at the double team but goes down. They clear the ring and Neville runs for a dive but D-Von trips him from the floor. Bubba clubs Neville from behind and drops him. D-Von comes back in and keeps control of Neville as fans chant for tables. We go to break.

Back from the break and The Dudleyz remain in control. They work Neville over and keep him grounded. Bubba talks trash, calling Neville “English boy” and beating him around the ring. Bubba misses coming off the ropes. Sami and D-Von get the hot tags. Sami hits a Blue Thunderbomb but Bubba breaks the pin. Bubba tags in but Sami fights them both off. Sami gets slammed for another 2 count. Neville comes in and this leads to Bubba accidentally clotheslining D-Von due to a miscommunication. Sami nails a Helluva Kick and Neville hits Red Arrow on Bubba for the win.

Winners: Sami Zayn and Neville

– After the match, Sami and Neville stand tall as we go to replays. The Dudleyz leave as the celebration continues in the ring. We go back to the panel.

– We get hype for tonight’s WWE Universal Title match before going back to Cole and crew.

Best of 7 Series: Cesaro vs. Sheamus (First Match)

We go to the ring and out comes Sheamus. Cesaro is out next for the first match in their Best of 7 Series.

The bell rings and the “you look stupid” chants start at Sheamus. They lock up and go to the corner. Sheamus misses an early Brogue. Cesaro comes back with a running uppercut and goes on to hit a springboard but Sheamus catches him in mid-air. This leads to a Cesaro Swing attempt but it’s blocked. Cesaro with a double stomp before sending Sheamus to the floor. Cesaro runs into a right hand as Sheamus comes back in. Cesaro with a dropkick for a 2 count.

More back and forth. Cesaro takes back control but Sheamus comes back with kicks to the injured shoulder. Sheamus continues focusing on the shoulder but gets rocked by an uppercut. Sheamus with an elbow and a slam for a 2 count. We go to a break with Sheamus standing tall and asking the crowd if they’re entertained.

Back from the break and Sheamus is still in control. He catches Cesaro in an Irish Curse backbreaker for a 2 count. Cesaro fights up and out but Sheamus nails the rolling senton. They trade counters and tumble over the top rope to the floor. Cesaro barely makes it back in before the 10 count. Sheamus knocks Cesaro around and yells at him. Cesaro fires back and unloads with uppercuts as the crowd cheers. Cesaro with a running uppercut. He puts Sheamus on the top and dropkicks him off to the apron.

Cesaro suplexes Sheamus in from the apron for a 2 count. Sheamus blocks a Swing and rolls him up for 2. Sheamus blocks the Neutralizer and hits White Noise for a close 2 count. Sheamus with shots at Cesaro before hitting a super rolling senton from the corner. Another close 2 count. Sheamus stands tall and misses a Brogue as Cesaro boots him. Cesaro with a big clothesline for a 2 count. Cesaro leaps off the top for another 2 count. He goes on and hits the Cesaro Swing on Sheamus. Cesaro applies the Sharpshooter but Sheamus makes it to the bottom rope. More back and forth. Sheamus gets a thumb to the eye, a shot into the ring post and a Brogue for the win.

Winner of Match #1: Sheamus

– After the match, Sheamus stands tall and has his hand raised as we go to replays. We come back and he hits the turnbuckles to pose.

– We go back to the panel for talk on Orton vs. Lesnar. Renee leads us to a video package and that’s it for the pre-show.

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