Tonight’s TNA Impact Wrestling episode will feature “The Final Deletion” with Matt Hardy vs. Jeff Hardy, taped at Matt’s property in North Carolina.
A promo for that wacky match can be seen below. Other matches for tonight include The Decay vs. Raquel and The BroMans.
TNA apparently sent previews of “The Final Deletion” to several people in the business and their reactions can be seen below:
If you watch 1 wrestling thing this week make it #TheFinalDeletion on TNA Impact on @PopTV OMFG! Will be talked about for years! #Speechless— Lance Storm (@LanceStorm) 4 luglio 2016
#TheFinalDeletion will be what everyone is talking about, you don’t want to be left out. Watch Impact on @PopTV— Lance Storm (@LanceStorm) 4 luglio 2016
One of Hollywood’s hottest screenwriters Max Landis (@Uptomyknees) reaction to #TheFinalDeletion @PopTV tomorrow— TNA WRESTLING (@IMPACTWRESTLING) 5 luglio 2016
Tomorrow night, you CANT MISS the #FinalDeletion match! Trust me this is going to be worth it. @MATTHARDYBRAND vs @JEFFHARDYBRAND #UNREAL— Gail Kim-Irvine (@gailkimITSME) 5 luglio 2016
What I say to every evil enemy that’s a #BrotherNero before DELETING them.. FOREVAH!— #BROKEN Matt Hardy (@MATTHARDYBRAND) 2 luglio 2016
We gave @RockstarSpud a sneak preview of this Tuesday’s Hardy vs Hardy #TheFinalDeletion. Here was his reaction:— TNA WRESTLING (@IMPACTWRESTLING) 2 luglio 2016
We gave Peabody Award Winner @YesNickSearcy (FX’s Justified) a sneak peek at #TheFinalDeletion. Here’s his reaction:— TNA WRESTLING (@IMPACTWRESTLING) 4 luglio 2016
Happy 4th! The best fireworks in America happen TOMORROW NIGHT 9/8c on @PopTV! #TheFinalDeletion!— TNA WRESTLING (@IMPACTWRESTLING) 4 luglio 2016
We gave @GallowaySpeaks a sneak peek at tomorrow night’s #TheFinalDeletion on IMPACT. Here was his reaction:— TNA WRESTLING (@IMPACTWRESTLING) 4 luglio 2016