Jim Ross Talks WWE’s New Stance On Cruiserweights, Roman Reigns’ Suspension, Lack Of Selling In Wrestling

WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross posted his latest blog on his jrsbarbq.com site, talking about WWE’s reintroduction of cruiserweight sized wrestlers, Roman Reigns’ WWE suspension, and more. You can read a few selected highlights below:

Roman Reigns’ 30 day WWE suspension:

The suspension of Roman Reigns has made the IWC news rounds and by the time many stop discussing it the 30 days suspension will have been served and Reigns will be back at work. I would certainly keep the triple threat main event for Battleground with Ambrose, Rollins and Reigns as there is no reason to penalize the other talents as it relates to the creative plan and where this triple threat main event fits into the big picture. Depending on the monies earned during the suspension period, Reigns could reasonably lose over six figures of income for his error in judgment. For those who recklessly say that Reigns isn’t being punished adequately and should not be “rewarded” for his indiscretions, I’d suggest that he will have paid plenty when all is said and done.

My prediction is that Roman will return to WWE and evolve into a locker room leader. I truly believe that Roman will return better than when he left in key areas.

WWE bringing back cruiserweight style wrestling:

WWE reevaluating their corporate, creative stance on “counterweights,” for the lack of a better term, is refreshing. There is a plethora of outstanding, ‘smaller;’ talents who can and will entertain WWE fans with their unique style of presentation and the fact that WWE is providing new wrestlers for their fans to enjoy. It sounds like a win-win for me as this new brand, as Paul Levesque described it Thursday, has a shot at being successful.

Remember this, the biggest money earners/ticket sellers in the pro wresting biz over history have been under six feet tall. That’s a fact.

In simpler, Cowboy Bill Watts-like language, any one who doesn’t think that smaller wrestlers are tough and talented have likely never had their ass whipped by a smaller person.

Booking axiom…smart bookers book to the strengths of their talent roster and not their own personal preferences.

Lack of “selling” in today’s wrestling:

Why is the art of selling in pro wrestling becoming so fleeting? Is it because talents don’t know how to sell in the necessary, varying levels required to make it work or could it be that they feel that it makes them be perceived as “weak” and disinteresting to the fans? What ever the reason those that master the essential art within the genre will discover whole new realm to the biz that helps the overall presentation of every bout.

Great bumps should always be followed by varying degrees of “selling.”

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