– Tonight’s WWE RAW opens up with a graphic in memory of Joanie “Chyna” Laurer. We go to the normal opening video and a look back at last week’s show with WWE World Heavyweight Champion Roman Reigns and AJ Styles.

WWE RAW Opener:

We’re live from the XL Center in Hartford, CT as the announcers hype tonight’s show. The music hits and out comes Shane McMahon to a pop.

Shane says he is still here because of the fans. Payback is Sunday and it is the first PPV of a new era. Tonight, he wants to welcome everyone to Monday Night Raw. Shane says they are going to keep the action rolling with new faces and new matchups.

Stephanie McMahon interrupts and she makes her way to the ring.

Stephanie says that Shane wanted everyone to have some fun. Do you think you can pander to these people? They are from Hartford. They are tough, savvy, and smart. They are tired of politicians feeding them lies. Stephanie says she is one of them. She was born in Hartford Hospital. These are her people. Stephanie says that most are probably not from Hartford since Hartford residents would be here for her.

Shane says that Stephanie knows how to take the air out of the room. He says that he figured that her or her husband would be coming out.

Stephanie says that the government of Hartford was going to build a statue for her or do something else. She tells Shane this is his last week running Raw. At Payback, their father, Vince McMahon, will decide who runs Raw.

Shane says that the Chairman’s decision is final, but he wants to do some polling of his own. He asks who wants to have Stephanie and the Authority in control and then who wants Shane in control.

Stephanie says that their father is smart enough to not put the decision in the people’s hands. Shane says he is still here because of the people. Stephanie says she has on good authority things will not go Shane’s way. Shane tells Stephanie she should go on her way. Shane asks Hartford’s Favorite Daughter to leave the ring. Stephanie says she is not going anywhere.

Shane says that he is still in charge tonight. If she won’t politely leave… Shane asks security to come down to escort her away. He asks Stephanie to leave their ring. Stephanie has something to say to Shane on the apron before she leaves and lectures security. Stephanie attacks one of the security members and the other two escort her out of the ring.

Shane says it is time for some action and he brings out AJ Styles.

AJ Styles vs. Sheamus

AJ Styles’ music hits and out he comes. He greets Shane on the ramp and heads to the ring. We go to commercial.

Back from a break and AJ Styles waits before Sheamus comes out by himself.

They lock up and Sheamus backs Styles into the corner and he misses punches. Sheamus with a forearm to the back and kicks in the corner. Sheamus with a back elbow. Styles with a Phenomenal Drop Kick. Styles with chops to Sheamus followed by a snap mare and kick to the back. Styles with a wrist lock. Sheamus with a punch to the midsection and forearm to the back. Sheamus with a European uppercut but Styles wtih chops and forearms.

Styles with shoulders in the corner but Sheamus kicks Styles to the mat and Sheamus gets a near fall. Sheamus with a key lock. Styles with a kick and running forearm that sends Sheamus to the floor. Sheamus punches Styles and then sets for the forearms across the chest from the apron. Styles wtih elbows to stop Sheamus followed by a drop kick to the knees and Sheamus hits the apron. Styles with a knee to Sheamus. Styles goes for a moonsault off the apron but Sheamus moves and Sheamus sends AJ over the ring steps. We go to commercial.

We are back and Sheamus with a head lock as we see what happened before the commercial break. Styles with forearms but Sheamus with a uranage back breaker. Sheamus with a second uranage back breaker to Styles. Sheamus with a bear hug. Styles with head butts to escape and then Styles moves when Sheamus goes for a running shoulder in the corner. Sheamus hits the ring post. Styles goes up top but Sheamus crotches Styles.

Sheamus with a European uppercut and then he sets for an Air Raid Crash from the turnbuckles but Styles counters and sends Sheamus to the mat. Styles wtih forearms to Sheamus but Sheamus fires back. Styles wtih a back fist and clothesline. Styles wtih a sliding forearm and Styles with a flying clothesline into the corner. Styles with kicks in the corner.

Styles tries for the Ushigoroshi but Sheamus escapes and sends Styles into the turnbuckles. Sheamus with a power slam for a near fall. Sheamus stomps on the midsection and he goes for the Cloverleaf but Styles counters and escapes. Styles wtih a Pele Kick and both men are down.

Styles with forearms and he sets for the Styles Clash. Sheamus counters and hits a clothesline for a near fall. Sheamus goes for the Cloverleaf and he applies it. Styles gets to the ropes and Sheamus releases the hold. Sheamus kicks Styles and Styles goes to the apron. Sheamus charges at Styles and misses the Brogue Kick. Styles kicks Sheamus in the leg. Styles wtih the Phenomenal Forearm for the three count.

Winner: AJ Styles

After the match, Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson come out to the stage to applaud their former ally from New Japan.


Roman Reigns is in the locker room watching Styles from that WWE angle. Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso show up as well and Jey asks Roman if he watched it. Roman says he knows that Gallows and Anderson are with Styles. Jimmy and Jey say they know that for Roman is One versus All, but sometimes the All needs to help the one.

In the Arena:

The New Day makes their way to the ring as we go to commercial.

We are back and The New Day is still in the ring.

Xavier says the Number One Contender Tournament is off to a great start. Kofi reminds us that it is sponsored by Booty-Os. Big E says you will put some respeck on the name of the new Number One Contenders for the WWE World Tag Team Champions. Xavier says that team will then party like it’s 1999.

The Vaudevillains come out in black and white and they correct the New Day and say that when they become the Number One Contenders, they will party like it is 1899. They represent the beliefs of a bygone era. Gotch says that when they beat the Mange infected mongrels, they will stand atop the WWE.

Enzo Amore and Colin Cassady come out and they do their usual stuff but Aiden calls them TweeleDee and TweedleDumber.

Enzo says the Vaudevillains want to be number one contender while Enzo says he wants to run down a beach into his own arms.

Colin says only one team is walking out of Payback as the Number One Contenders and it will be them. There is only one word to describe them and he will spell it out.

Xavier says that whoever wins at Payback, the New Day will still be the WWE Tag Team Champions because the New Day Rocks.

– Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows leave AJ Styles’ locker room as they head to the ring for their WWE in ring debut on television. Back to commercial.

The Usos vs. Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson

Back from the break and out come The Usos first. Out next come Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson for their WWE in-ring debuts.

Anderson and Jimmy start things off and Jimmy and Karl exchange punches. Jimmy with chops. Jimmy floats over on an Irish whip and he hits a flying forearm to the head. Jimmy with a chop and shoulder in the corner. Jey tags in and hits a forearm into the corner. Jey with chops. Anderson with a jumping leg lariat and he sends Jey into the turnbuckles and kicks Jey. Gallows tags in and punches Jey. Jey goes for a cross body but Gallows catches him. Jey with a dragon whip and then Jimmy tags in. Jey and Jimmy with forearms. Jey tags in but Gallows with a clothesline for a near fall. Gallows with a punch. Gallows kicks Jey in the corner.

Anderson tags in and he backs Jey into the corner and works on the arm in the ropes. Anderson with a snap mare and knee drops to the injured arm. Anderson with a leaping knee drop and he gets a near fall. Anderson with an arm bar. Jey wtih an arm drag and punch. Jey with a punch but Anderson with a back elbow and he gets a near fall. Gallows tags in and he punches Jey in the corner and follows with a Kane-esque uppercut. Gallows with a knee and elbow drops for a near fall. Gallows knocks Jimmy off the apron. The referee sends Jimmy to the apron and Anderson tags in and he puts Jey over the apron and connects with an elbow to the chest.

Anderson gets a near fall. Anderson with an arm bar. Anderson gets a near fall. Gallows tags in and Jey punches Gallows but Gallows punches back. Gallows with a forearm to the back and then he applies a key lock. Gallows with a kick and he puts Jey on the turnbuckles. Jey with elbows to Gallows and he kicks Anderson off the apron. Gallows pushes Jey off the turnbuckles into the ringside barrier as we go to commercial.

We are back and Gallows with a punch to Jey followed by an Irish whip. Jey goes to the turnbuckles and hits a missile drop kick. Both men are down. Jimmy and Anderson tag in and Jimmy with clotheslines followed by an uppercut and Samoan drop. Jimmy with a running butt splash and then Gallows goes over the top rope to the floor. Anderson with a clothesline. Gallows sends Jey into the crowd. Jimmy wtih a suicide dive to Gallows. Anderson hits Jimmy from behind and sends him into the ring post. Gallows tags in and he hits a boot to the head. Anderson tags in for Magic Killer and the three count.

Winners: Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson

After the match, Anderson brings Jey back over the barrier and into the ring. Anderson pounds on Jey as Anderson beats on Jimmy. The music hits and out comes Roman Reigns to boos. Anderson meets him on the floor but Reigns runs down with a big Superman punch. Reigns enters the ring and clears Gallows out. Fans are booing. Anderson gets on the apron and Reigns goes for a Superman punch but Anderson jumps off the apron in time. Reigns checks on The Usos as his music plays. Anderson and Gallows look on from the ramp as we go to replays of Reigns making the save.

– Still to come, Reigns vs. Alberto Del Rio. Back to commercial.


We are back and Renee Young is with AJ Styles. She brings up AJ’s win and she asks him how is he preparing for his match against Roman Reigns.

Karl and Luke interrupt and they want to talk to AJ. They bring up the Roman Reigns situation. Karl says Roman started the fight. Luke says they are not going to jeopardize his opportunity. Karl says he knows that AJ can win the WWE Title on his own, but they want to make it a fair fight. Luke says the Usos will help Roman. Karl says they have his back. Luke says their friendship is forever and they shake hands and hug.

– Michael Cole mentions the match between Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn at Payback and we see a video package about the history between Owens and Zayn going all the way back to Royal Rumble.

Kevin and Sami said they hit it off as soon as they met. Kevin says they worked for the same company and got lumped in together. Sami mentions that he was at Kevin’s wedding and was there when Kevin’s son was born. We see when Sami Zayn won the NXT championship in 2014 and . . . Kevin’s betrayal leading into Owens beating Zayn for the title. Owens says it was hard for him to see Zayn win the title first. Zayn says that Kevin told him they were not friends, they were brothers. Zayn says most brothers do not stab each other in the back. Owens says Zayn should have seen it coming. Owens says he was the one to put Zayn on the shelf.

Owens mentions what he did to John Cena on his first night on Raw and it has gotten better for him. Zayn says he got the call that Kevin was going to debut while he was recovering from his injury. Sami says that was his debut and it really stung. We see Zayn eliminating Owens at the Royal Rumble. Zayn says he enjoyed costing Kevin his chance. Owens says if it is personal, it is because of what Sami did. Kevin says he is the victim.

Sami says it is still a race. It all comes down to the desire to be the best. Neither are going to advance their careers until it is settled.

Sami Zayn vs. Rusev

We go to the ring and out comes Sami Zayn to a pop. Back to commercial.

Zayn avoids Rusev until Rusev with kicks and forearms to back Zayn into the corner. Rusev kicks Sami. Rusev chokes Zayn. Rusev with shoulders in the corner. Rusev sends Zayn to the mat while the crowd cares more about Lana. Zayn with forearms but Rusev with forearms. Zayn with a head scissors and side head lock take down. Rusev with a knee to the head followed by a shoulder tackle and Zayn goes down.

Zayn leaps over Rusev and then Rusev charges at Zayn but Zayn drops down and Rusev goes to the floor. Zayn goes for a slingshot cross body but Rusev catches Zayn and hot shots Zayn onto the apron.

Rusev Irish whips Zayn but Zayn leaps onto the ringside barrier and he connects with a moonsault. Zayn flips over Rusev from the apron but Rusev with a jumping spin kick. Rusev puts Zayn on the turnbuckles and connects with a forearm. Rusev punches Zayn but Zayn punches Rusev off the turnbuckles. Rusev with a round kick that sends Zayn to the floor and we go to commercial.

We are back and Rusev with a front face lock. Rusev with a suplex from a front face lock and then he hits a second one. Zayn with a clothesline. Zayn with forearms followed by a clothesline. Zayn misses a punch but Zayn counters a belly-to-back suplex attempt with a lateral press for a near fall. Zayn with a double jump cross body for a near fall. Rusev gets a near fall after a fallaway slam. Rusev escapes an arm drag from Zayn and hits a super kick for a near fall. Rusev stomps on the back and he tries for the Accolade but Zayn escapes and gets the three count with a rollup.

Winner: Sami Zayn

After the match, Lana throws a fit and throws her shoe at Sami as he backs up the ramp. Sami yells something back at her and backs up the ramp waving at fans as his music plays. Kevin Owens runs out and nails Sami from behind. Owens just stands over Sami as fans react.


Renee is backstage with Apollo Crews, asking how he plans on standing out. Crews says he can do things no one else can do… Stardust interrupts. Crews mentions they have a match tonight and mentions working with Stardust’s dad, the late Dusty Rhodes. Crews praises Dusty for helping and says he came up with the name Apollo. Stardust says not even the great Dusty Rhodes can make Crews a star. Back to commercial.

Apollo Crews vs. Stardust

They lock up and Crews with a side head lock and shoudler tackle. Crews with a drop kick for a near fall. Crews gets Stardust up for a suplex but Stardust gets to his feet. Stardust sends Crews to the apron and then he hits a neck breaker for a near fall. Stardust with punches and kicks to Crews. Stardust stomps on the back and then he throws off the gloves. Stardust with knees to the midsection followed by a snap mare and arm bar. Stardust with knees. Crews goes for a sunset flip but Stardust drops down for a near fall. Crwes with punches and a kick to the temple. Crews with a Stinger Splash and jumping back elbow followed by a standing moonsault for a near fall.

Crews with a waist lock and he blocks a kick from Stardust. Crews with an enzuigiri followed by a tossed sit out power bomb for the three count.

Winner: Apollo Crews

After the match, Crews celebrates and hits the corner to pose.

– We see Dean Ambrose walking backstage. Back to commercial.

In the Arena:

We are back and Dean Ambrose makes his way to the ring.

Dean says he was supposed to host an edition of the Ambrose Asylum, but he told Shane there would be no Ambrose Asylum. He says he is not in the mood for fun and games. Sunday at Payback, there will be no talk shows. He faces a six time champion and one of the best to step in the ring on Sunday. He faces Chris Jericho. Chris loves to say that he is the best in the world at what he does and he likes to say it a lot. Dean says he is good at what he does too.

Dean says Chris likes to talk about how great he is and he demands respect. Dean says he earns respect. Chris complains about how everyone owes him. Dean says he does not complain and he does what he has to do. From the minute he clocks in until the minute he clocks out he is either punching someone in the face or getting punched in the face.

Dean says he will give Chris Jericho the chance to see what he does. He tells Chris to lace up his scarf and put on his jacket and come to the ring.

Chris comes out onto the stage with his scarf and vest calling Dean a stupid, disrespectful idiot. He says he will not waste his time fighting Dean in a dump like this. Chris asks Dean if he forgets who he is talking to. He IS the best in the world at what he does. Chris says that he wins matches. He makes history. He commands respect and he elevates every opponent he stands in the ring with. He will give Ambrose the match of his career because being in the ring with him, puts you on a different level. He tells Dean to get on his knees to thank him for putting him in this situation. He tells Dean to kiss his $1,500 boots. Chris changes his mind. He wants Dean to apologize to him. for disrespecting him and stealing the Highlight Reel. He tells Dean to apologize or he will be very sorry.

Dean tells Chris he is sorry… that he paid so much money for those ugly ass shoes. He is sorry that you are walking around everywhere with a scarf. He is sorry for his stupid Bon Jovi hair cut. He is so sorry that he pissed off Jericho so much he has to beat his ass on Sunday. He is not sorry for what he is going to do.

Dean attacks Jericho and sends him to the floor. Dean sends Jericho into the announce table and then Dean rearranges the furniture at ringside. Jericho trips Ambrose and Ambrose lands on the monitor. Jericho punches Ambrose. Jericho puts Ambrose in the Walls of Jericho on the announce table.

– We get a look back at Shane and Stephanie from earlier tonight. Back to commercial.

– We are back and we see what just happened with Dean Ambrose and Chris Jericho.

Natalya vs. Emma

Natalya with a take down and front face lock. Emma with a hammer lock but Natalya with an elbow and fireman’s carry into an arm bar. Emma with a head scissors but Natalya escapes. Emma goes to the floor and trips Natalya on the apron. Emma with a front face lock suplex on the floor. Emma gets a near fall. Emma wtih a full nelson and sends Natalya into the turnbuckles. Emma with a clothesline. Natalya with a Sharpshooter and Emma taps out.

Winner: Natalya

After the match, Natalya goes to the announce table but she stops in front of Ric Flair.

– Cole leads us to a video package in memory of Chyna. Back to commercial.

Damien Sandow vs. Baron Corbin

Back from a break and Damien Sandow waits in the ring. Cole confirms Dolph Ziggler vs. Baron Corbin for Payback. Corbin makes his entrance but Ziggler attacks from behind on the ramp. They start brawling to the side of the stage as referees try to keep them apart. They get Ziggler to the back to end the segment.

– Still to come, Reigns vs. Del Rio. Back to commercial.

– We are back and Primo and Epico are showing everyone the clubs of Puerto Rico (and No Way Jose was nowhere to be seen)

In the Arena:

Miz and Maryse are in the ring and Maryse welcome her husband, the Intercontinental Champion, the Miz.

Miz says he will defend his Intercontinental Title on Sunday against Cesaro. He says the people think that Cesaro will beat him. Miz says he is appalled by that. He understands that people do not like him because he is used to being insulted. What appalls him is that you do not see the benefit of Miz being the Intercontiental Champion.

Miz says if you understand anything, understand that this is more than a title. It is more than an accomplishment. It is legendary. The greatest in this business have held this title, including him, but Cesaro has not.

Do you think that making a Cesaro Section sign makes you relevant? Do not follow the crowd. Think for yourself. You feel empowered by taking a Sharpie and writing on a hand made sign? Aren’t you better than that. Sitting there with the nerdy, lonely, and internet trolls. Miz says the Miz Section looks like Maryse.

Cesaro interrupts and asks Miz if he is trying to convince the WWE Universe to root for him. He says the WWE Universe is too educated for that. Maryse tells Miz to do it like he does it at home and he does his Taxi Driver imiation and then he tries to go Joe Pesci in Goodfellas. Cesaro says the only movie Miz belongs in is Jackass. He tells Miz he is right about one thing. The Intercontinental Title is legendary. That is why he is going to make sure that the credits roll on you being the Intercontinental Title.

Miz says he will speak clearly so Cesaro’s foreign brain can understand him. He asks Cesaro if he feels lucky… punk.Cesaro tells Miz to make his day.

Miz allows Maryse to leave and then Miz tries to attack Cesaro but Cesaro sees it coming and he hits Swiss Death on Miz. Maryse lays on top of Miz to stop Cesaro from swinging Miz. Cesaro picks up the title belt and gives it to Miz.

– AJ Styles stops Roman Reigns in the back and they stare each other down. AJ says he is taking the title at Payback. Reigns walks away after mentioning Gallows and Anderson.

Roman Reigns vs. Alberto Del Rio

Back from the break and out comes WWE World Heavyweight Champion Roman Reigns. We see video of Reigns granting a Make-A-Wish Wish before RAW. The Wish Kid Ivan is ringside with his family and Reigns greets them. Alberto Del Rio is out next by himself.

They lock up and Reigns with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Del Rio with a kick and punch but Roman punches back and sends Del Rio into the turnbuckles and follows with an Irish whip and knee in the corner. Reigns with another Irish whip but Del Rio sends Roman to the apron. Roman with a head butt and Del Rio with an enzuigiri that sends Roman to the floor. Del Rio with a double stomp off the apron onto Roman’s back and we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Del Rio has Reigns down in a headlock. During the break, Del Rio sent Reigns into the ring post and to the floor. Del Rio has had control since. Reigns finally powers up but Del Rio kicks him in the back. Reigns fights back again but Del Rio takes control in the corner. Del Rio with some trash talking and wasting time. Reigns comes out of the corner with headbutts and strikes but Del Rio drops him with a DDT.

Del Rio sets for a super kick and the referee puts on gloves since there must be blood. Del Rio misses and Reigns sets for a Samoan drop but Del Rio escapes. Reigns with a few clotheslines followed by a flying clothesline. Reigns with Neverending Story in the corner and he winds up for an uppercut.

Reigns sets for the Superman punch and Del Rio goes to the floor. Reigns with the Juggernaut Broad Jump drop kick that sends Del Rio into the ring post. Del Rio kicks the ropes as Reigns climbs back into the ring and Del Rio shows some discomfort in the ding ding region. Del Rio with a super kick for a near fall. Del Rio puts Reigns on the turnbuckles in the tree of woe and he kicks Reigns in the back. Del Rio goes up top for the double stomp. Reigns moves and Del Rio appears to have hurt his knee. Del Rio with a punch and he sets for the Destiny Floatover but Reigns with a Superman Punch.

Gallows and Anderson’s music play as Reigns sets for the Spear. Del Rio with a rollup for a near fall. Del Rio misses from the turnbuckles and Reigns with a spear for the three count.

Winner: Roman Reigns

After the bell, Anderson and Gallows hit the ring while Reigns is on his knees raising his arm. They beat Reigns down until AJ Styles runs down. He pulls them off of Reigns and tries to calm them down. They leave the ring and AJ turns around to a Superman punch from Reigns. Gallows comes back in but Reigns stomps him. Anderson runs back in and Reigns hits him. Gallows takes a Superman punch. Styles with a Phenomenal Forearm on Reigns for a pop. Anderson and Gallows recover on the floor as Styles and Reigns are down in the ring. AJ’s music hits as he sells the Superman punch and they both try to recover. We go to replays. We come back Gallows and Anderson laughing as Styles and Reigns recover in the ring. RAW goes off the air.

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