“The Miracle” Mike Bennett was recently interviewed by Party Foul Radio with Pollo and Pearl to promote Impact Wrestling airing on Pop TV on Tuesday nights. Here are a few highlights, via The Huffington Post:
Wanting to do for TNA what Steve Austin did for WWE:
“I want to be to TNA what ‘Stone Cold’ was to WWE during the Attitude Era… Whether they say it to me directly or not, I see coming to TNA as me taking the company, putting it on my back and charging forward.
“They [WWE] were struggling. They were struggling. They were struggling. Then he came, and they shot forward. I want to be that version. I want to come into TNA, and it to be ‘Must-See TV’ on Pop!”
Having a gay friend who told him that he couldn’t come out to his parents:
“I was like, ‘Wow!’ I was naïve to it. It blew my mind! I didn’t know any of this existed. I have always accepted everyone for who they are, how they want to be and want to live. I don’t care.”
Having male admirers:
“If I came on [the podcast] and said, ‘I love women’s volleyball… for the sole purpose that it’s pretty girls wearing short-shorts,’ I don’t think anyone would bat an eye. For some reason, though, when the roles are reversed, it’s like, ‘How dare you?’ I don’t get it. Obviously, that’s not the sole reason [gay men] love [wrestling], but even if it was… so what?”